gutspoker| Practicing ESG, Huaxi Biological New Productivity drives sustainable development
editor 2024-05-21 15:45:35

Rhodiola is a national key second-class protected wild plant.GutspokerSalidroside, a precious compound, has a wide range of pharmacological effects in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and other aspects. It takes 7 to 8 years for the natural growth of Rhodiola to be used, but excessive excavation and illegal mining have led to the lack of resources and serious damage to the ecosystem. At the same time, the cost of planting Rhodiola artificially has been high. Relevant data show that the annual demand gap of Rhodiola in China is as high as 2200 tons.

But fortunately, the vigorous emergence of biotechnology provides a strong power source for the development of China's biological manufacturing industry. Huaxi, which laid out the synthetic biology track as early as 2018, has developed the technology of producing salidroside from cell factories through synthetic biotechnology and fermentation instead of plant extraction.

In 2023, Huaxi's synthetic biotechnology was concentrated on the ground. Nine kinds of bioactive materials, including "micro-true" and "ultra-pure ergothione", were put on the market, and a number of raw materials completed trial production or pilot-scale production.

Wang Ruiyan, director of research and development and management of Huaxi bioactive materials, believes that synthetic biotechnology is a "hard technology" for China to develop new productivity, and it is also an emerging technology that can promote the construction of a green and low-carbon circular economy system in China. In this wave of national industrial upgrading and enterprise self-reform, using synthetic biological cell factories to replace substances with high carbon emissions or environmental pollution problems such as animal and plant extraction and chemical synthesis has become the "problem-solving idea" of Huaxi biology.

1. Technology take-off to promote "creation change"

In 2023, Huaxi's biological raw material business and medical terminal business experienced explosive growth on a high basis, and the two major business sectors achieved revenue of 11% respectively.Gutspoker.29 billion yuan and 10.Gutspoker90 billion yuan, an increase of 15.22 percent and 58.95 percent over the same period last year. At the same time, two brands of its functional skin care products have reached the scale of 500 to 1 billion, and two brands have even exceeded the order of magnitude of 1 billion yuan.

But it is worth noting that the past year has also been a year of profound adjustment and change for Huaxi. The company has taken the initiative to make a phased strategic adjustment to the skin care business, changing the development goal from high-speed development to high-quality development.

Zhao Yan, chairman and president of Huaxi Biology, knows very well that marketing selling points and publicity hotspots are not equal to the real growth point of the industry or the starting point and foothold of technology.

So, where does Huaxi think the eyes of technology should look? Zhao Yan has repeatedly stressed that the background of Huaxi must be based on biotechnology.

On the whole, Huaxi Biology takes synthetic biology as an important strategic direction of enterprise development under the orientation of "biotechnology companies and biomaterials companies driven by synthetic biotechnology".

At present, Huaxi Biology has become the only synthetic bio-industrial chain enterprise with the ability of R & D and innovation, pilot test and industrialization, and market transformation.

In the field of research and development, Huaxi Biology has carried out the development of more than 100 kinds of active substances, mainly focusing on six categories of functional sugars, proteins, peptides, amino acid derivatives, nucleotide derivatives and natural active substances related to human health. the scope of research and development covers the whole industry chain from cell construction to commercial application.

In industry-university-research cooperation, Huaxi Biology has worked closely with authoritative institutions such as the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Tianjin Municipal people's Government, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as universities such as Shandong University and Jiangnan University to promote research in the field of synthetic biology. More than 70 cooperation projects have been carried out, and remarkable progress has been made in synthetic biology, stem cell and skin tissue regeneration, anti-aging technology, and cosmetic raw material efficacy.

The pilot test link is the key to the industrial transformation of scientific research achievements. It can not only promote technology iteration and process improvement, but also reduce the technology risk and production risk in the process of achievement transformation.

To this end, Huaxi has established the world's largest pilot conversion platform for synthetic biology, which has planned 64 pilot production lines, of which more than 30 have been put into use. This platform uses "flexible production", which can meet the requirements of different substances for different pilot processes, and quickly realize the industrial transformation of materials, which has become a unique advantage for Huaxi to lead international enterprises.

What is more valuable is that Huaxi Biology does not seal off the technology, but devotes itself to building a virtuous circle ecology of "original scientific research-industrial transformation-production-consumption" of synthetic biological industry.

As Zhao Yan said, it is hoped that the development of Huaxi Biology is not only to create value for shareholders, to create a development platform for employees, to bring new resources to partners, but also to ultimately contribute to the construction of this excellent ecological Huaxi biological exploration.

In order to achieve this goal, Huaxi established the first CVC fund for synthetic biology in China in June 2023 to promote the overall development of the synthetic biology industry through the upstream and downstream of the capital-empowered industry chain while discovering new market opportunities.

From the pathfinder of synthetic biotechnology to the leader of the industry, Huaxi Biology promotes the industrial reform of "biological creation of all things" with the take-off of technology, and forges the quality of advanced productive forces in line with the new development concept.

2. The two-way way of implementing ESG and developing new quality productive forces

The core of new quality productivity lies in "new quality", which is innovative and high-quality advanced productivity in essence. Therefore, the ESG concept, which mainly embodies the characteristics of green development, high quality, high efficiency and sustainable business practice, has become an important means to promote the development of new quality productive forces.

Huaxi Biology keeps pace with the times, regards ESG as the new production factor of the enterprise, and steps onto the road of improving the ESG governance ability of the enterprise in an all-round way.

In order to enhance the company's ESG value creation and risk response ability more effectively, Huaxi Bio has established an effective management mechanism. Within the enterprise, Huaxi Bio has established a top-down ESG management structure: an ESG committee under the board of directorsGutspokerSet up an ESG strategic management center at the management level and set up an ESG working group at the executive level. This framework defines the work objectives, phase tasks and responsible departments of ESG.

In 2023, the company's board of directors not only listened to the company's ESG management work plan and annual ESG work summary, but also examined and approved the 2024 corporate governance ESG promotion action project plan.

Huaxi is well aware that issues closely related to stakeholders are the basis and core of the ESG report. Based on the principle of "double importance", the company evaluated dozens of multi-dimensional ESG issues and finally identified 30 important issues, including environmental management, R & D innovation, product quality, corporate governance and so on.

In the process of developing new productive forces, "innovation" is the key word. Huaxi Biology always insists on R & D and innovation as an important part of the competitiveness of enterprises. At present, the company has set up a national enterprise technology center, in two core research areas around basic research and applied research, the company has set up six high-end research platform matrices, including synthetic biology R & D platform and microbial fermentation platform.

At the same time, Huaxi Biology adheres to the R & D strategy of multi-point layout around the world, through the construction of technological R & D and innovation platforms in eight domestic and foreign scientific research and experimental bases, including Jinan, Beijing, Shanghai, Hainan and the United States. to provide scientific research support for the company to achieve global collaboration and long-term development.

In addition to "innovation", "quality" is another key word for new productivity. For Huaxi, the optimization of development "quality" is based on the whole life cycle of products, through raw material management, optimization of R & D design and production process, to improve the consumption of energy and resources and reduce the negative impact on the environment.

For example, in the process of product research and development, Huaxi Bio uses membrane filtration and enzymatic hydrolysis to replace the traditional alcohol precipitation and acid-base process for product development, and uses green process to purify and refine the product. In the process design, Huaxi biology uses concentrated crystallization instead of traditional acid and organic reagent crystallization, which can avoid the introduction of environmentally unfriendly reagents and consumables.

At the same time, Huaxi Biology makes good use of digital transformation to promote product quality management and improvement. In Huaxi Biology's functional skin care factory, the enterprise has adopted a visual inspection system, using computer technology to process and analyze digital signals such as images, so that each product has undergone fine and intelligent quality management. The factory also introduces a culling machine to replace the manual product inspection, and only assigns the qualified products to the next link, and removes the unqualified products from the defective products to ensure the product quality more accurately and efficiently.

It is worth mentioning that in 2023, Huaxi Biology actively participated in the construction of relevant quality standards of the country, industry and groups, such as the drafting of standards for sodium hyaluronate medicinal accessories and industry standards such as "medical sodium hyaluronate dressing" and "sodium hyaluronate". It has made contributions to promoting the standardized development of the industry.

To sum up, Huaxi Bio builds a solid foundation for development through the construction of ESG management system, and integrates ESG strategy into all aspects of its actual operation and business through important issues. Under the guidance of the strategy of top-level design, Huaxi's ESG action has been very effective, and it has staged a two-way trip with the development of new productivity.

3. Aim at pragmatic and sustainable ESG to release green energy

"the new quality productivity itself is the green productivity". In addition to deeply planting the genes of green technology in all aspects of production and operation of the enterprise, and reshaping the earth's resources with green technologies such as synthetic biology, Huaxi Biology has deeply practiced green operation, built a digital energy management platform and ESG data Kanban, explored new ways of comprehensive utilization of resources and energy, and worked hard to implement a green low-carbon production and operation mode.

In the 2023 Sustainable Development report, Huaxi Biology recorded in detail its efforts and achievements in environmental management, pollution prevention and control, and the use of resources. These real sustainable actions inject more green tone into nature, society and industry.

In terms of environmental management, Huaxi Biology adheres to the concept of green manufacturing and continues to establish and improve the environmental management system to ensure environmental compliance while reducing the impact of operations on the environment.

In 2023, Huaxi Bio invested a total of 15.41 million yuan in environmental protection, and achieved 100% compliance in the standard treatment of waste water, waste gas and hazardous wastes, as well as the rectification of hidden dangers in environmental protection. Up to now, Huaxi Biology has one national green factory and one municipal green factory, and its Jinan factory, Dongying factory and Tianjin factory have been certified by ISO 14001 environmental management system.

In terms of pollution prevention and control, Huaxi Bio strictly abides by the relevant laws and regulations on pollutant prevention and control, constantly upgrading environmental protection design, transforming environmental protection equipment, improving the treatment efficiency of environmental protection facilities, and maximizing the negative impact of pollutants on the environment.

The company carries out emission reduction measures for organic waste gas, improves treatment efficiency and reduces emissions by upgrading process design and reforming environmental protection equipment, and formulates a wastewater discharge management system to strictly control wastewater discharge and all aspects of wastewater treatment, ensure the compliance of wastewater treatment and discharge, adhere to the principle of "reduction, resource utilization and harmless" of solid waste, and promote the comprehensive management and utilization of solid waste.

In the use of resources, Huaxi Biology practices the reduction, reuse and utilization of resources from the details, comprehensively improve the efficiency of resource utilization, give full play to the advantages of innovation, and promote the recycling of resources and the implementation of green alternatives.

The company has built roof TaiNeng photovoltaic power generation system and sewage biogas power generation equipment in Tianjin and Jinan factories, which are used in production and office to enhance the proportion of green energy. At the same time, Jinan plant introduced external biomass heating to replace the original natural gas boiler. These two initiatives successfully reduced greenhouse gas emissions by about 7008 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2023.

In addition, Huaxi Biology practices the high-quality development concept of green and low carbon, focusing on packaging design, material transportation, production, packaging procurement and other links to carry out packaging reduction and lightweight work to reduce the impact of packaging on the environment and health.

In the field of sustainable consumption, Huaxi Biology is a long-term activist. Since 2020, Huaxi biofunctional skincare brand "run Baiyan" has launched a "air traffic control recycling" program for four consecutive years, through the issuance of no threshold coupons, secondary empty control exchange and other ways to encourage more consumers to participate in sustainable consumption. As of January 2024, Huaxi Biological has continuously launched 14 "empty tube recovery programs", with a cumulative recovery of more than 10.41 million air traffic controllers and more than 110000 users.

It is reported that in 2023, Huaxi Biological ESG China Composite Index rating rose to AA; flush rating from BBB to A. At the same time, Huaxi Biology has been included in the rating systems of Lufter, China Securities Index, China Securities Index, Morningstar and Zhongcai Green Gold Institute, as well as a series of ESG scores, including excellent cases selected for the United Nations 2023 Sustainable Development goals Summit, which is the best proof that the enterprise adheres to the pragmatic concept of sustainable development.

gutspoker| Practicing ESG, Huaxi Biological New Productivity drives sustainable development

Behind this series of achievements, Huaxi Biotech has demonstrated the same frequency resonance with sustainable development and the development of new productive forces. It is not only Huaxi Biotech's ESG concept, but also its "making every life alive" mission unremitting implementation.

[Disclaimer] This article only represents the views of third parties and does not represent the position of Investors should act accordingly and bear the risks themselves.

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